Sanjay Dutt apologised after his bodyguards roughed up media personnel on the sets of Bhoomi which led to them filing a FIR against the actor. This incident happended at the VVIP road near Taj Mahal. It seemed like a really ugly fight between the both. The FIR mentioned how the security guards manhandled them and even hurled abuses at them. This could have snowballed into a big controversy but Sanjay Dutt’s apology might sort the matter now. Yes, the actor apologised for the way media was handled by his bodyguards. In video, Sanjay is seen asking people to forgive him. The way he apologised for what happened proves that he genuinely regrets what happened. At the end, all one wants is to be treated respectfully and Sanjay gave that to them. Bhoomi has been facing issues since a few times now. While shooting for a scene in Agra, crowd swelled to such level that the shoot had to be stalled. Apparently, the makers didn’t anticipate such a gathering for Sanjay Dutt.
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